Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's Just Moldova in July

Katea and Anna in the Sunflowers

This is in front of the Slobozia Mare mayors office. There were more wagons and donkeys on the road than there were cars. This wagon has a horse and pony in training.

Elope comes to mind.

Funeral procession passed us while we were parked. The open casket was in a commerical open bed truck. I couldn't get my camera out fast enough.

The men in our apartment building play cards under the tree each night.

We love sitting out at Green Hills restaurant and watching the people on Stephan Cel Mare.

This truck has been here so long it is beginning to sprout roots!

Tom spending time with Keesha.

Elder Whiting and Elder Anderson stop by to pick up the car and to harrass us a bit.

Can you believe this Caddilac??
The wedding ceremonies at the government offices are scheduled every 30 minutes. Then the couples get into incredibly long limo's and drive all over town honking horns and stopping to take elaborate photos. It is normal to see 7 or 10 limo's cruising Stephan Cel Mare in an afternoon while eating lunch at Green Hills.

There are flower shops everywhere. Really. Everywhere!

OK, so this didn't happen in Moldova but a whole lot of other senior moments did!

Political activists posting their candidate of choice from their apartment.

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