Monday, August 2, 2010

You know you're on a mission when...

We decided today that you haven't been on a mission until you have walked so much that you have holes in your new socks so big that your big toe sticks through and also you've sweat enough that your undergarments have to be peeled off at the end of the day. We are definitely on a mission!

Today we really "labored in the vineyard"! We went by foot, by maxi taxi, by trolley bus, and then picked up a rental van. We went to 14 different places to do everything that needed to be done. Going to 14 locations at home would not be such a big deal but here it takes all day long. We are told that in Moldova everything works on a "linear schedule" where you get one thing done and if you get it done in time to do the next thing on your plan you move toward it, then finally you might move forward to item 3 on your list, but then again you might not have any more time left that day. No such thing as multi-tasking. Linear. Huh. Just keep moving.

1 comment:

  1. You two are working so hard! Dave and I love reading all of your updates.
