Sunday, March 20, 2011

Morristown to the Rescue!! Thank You My Sisters!

Tammy James is the mother of one of our missionaries that served in Moldova. She has followed our blog and became interested in helping us to help Moldovans. She has organized her Stake Relief Society to do some pretty wonderful service projects. One of those projects is to gather items that are badly needed in Moldova, like diapers for babies that currently don't have any diapers to use at all (if you can imagine that). She did an absolutely wonderful email with photos and backgrounds and everything to send to members of the Relief Society in her Stake. I was able to copy the words of the email but not all of the beautiful embellishments. Because this blog is also my mission journal I wanted to preserve her email even if it is only the words. Thank you Tammy for all you do to help others and to help my Moldovan "family" who have so many needs. I can hear the angels singing from here!

Enjoy Sister James email plea to her sister in Morristown:



Morristown Relief Society Service Projects:

This video is a powerful reminder of who we are as Relief Society Sisters and that this organization is truly the Lord's organization. If you haven't seen this Youtube video called "Relief Society: Something Extraordinary", please cut and paste this in your browser to watch it.

The Morristown Relief Society will be working through the Latter Day Saint Charities Humanitarian Services Director for the country Moldova to complete these projects. We aim to help babies in orphanages and women's shelters as well as a retirement home. You can see current photos as well as stories and photos of those in need at:


Here are some things that our ward will be collecting in addition to items for the Stake Clothing Drive, for the next few weeks. If you would like to help people in Moldova, please bring these items to the church or order online on the WALMART WISH LIST by April 13th. (Collection boxes will be located near the RS room.)

*QUILTS - (new or like new)

*BED SHEETS (new or like new) twin size

*KITCHEN TOWELS:(New) terrycloth preferred for absorbency or equivalent

*WASHCLOTHS/DISHCLOTHS: (New) terrycloth preferred for absorbency or equivalent

*SCHOOL SUPPLIES: (like new) markers, pencils, paper, glue sticks, crayons, small scissors, etc.

*SMALL STUFFED ANIMALS: (like new) "Beanie Baby size"

*WALMART GIFT CARDS: for diapers and to help purchase items above or to get bulk discounts

*DIAPERS WISH LIST: We are providing a registry/WISH LIST through who will ship for free to Moldova!

SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY WISH LIST (registry): (for gift cards(preferred)-order online, diapers, towels, sheets etc) Go to WALMART.COM, click REGISTRY, then WISH LIST, then enter in name of wish list which is SOMETHING (first name) EXTRAORDINARY (last name) then click FIND, proceed to order.

**While the diapers will be shipped for free, we will also be shipping items in a unique way at a reduced rate. If you would like to donate cash for shipping you may do this also. Please make check payable to Heather Behrmann.

Here is the link to donate to LDS Charities/Humanitarian Services to help people around the globe including those in Japan.


call Heather Behrmann 973-507-9040 or Tammy @ 973-543-0643

If you have an idea, connection for a service project or organization we can help, please contact us.

(please feel free to forward this message to family, friends,neighbors and those you visit teach)

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