Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Galina and son Vlad baptised October 30th :)

Galina and her son Vlad were baptized by Elder Stapleton. It was so special. We had a great amount of members there to welcome them into God's Kingdom. We missionaries were busy that day: we had a ton of awesome food (of course!), we took photos before the baptism and while they were changing from their wet cloths we printed this photo and put it into a picture frame-we put it on the refreshment table and total surprised Galina and Vlad when they saw it! I had made them "baptism towels" too. It was a very memorable day. We told Galina that the next time she was dressed in white she would be in the temple! We understand that 14 year old Vlad will be the first, and only, teenager to be passing sacrament in our branch. He is the only teenage boy in our branch.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, they're both glowing. What a great picture! I bet your ward is so excited to have a YM organization, finally! Does that mean they'll call a YM president? :)
