Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Day with Derek, Jessica, and Preston

Jessica, Derek, and Preston (3 months old now) went to Red Robin and had their monster hamburgers - yummmm. Well...Preston didn't actually get any.

Preston was so cute. Smiling and laughing alot.

Hair is getting more red too.

Only 3 months and he's a chick magnet already.
He has the bib to prove it!

Waiting for the burgers...

Preston was good all day...
of course...Grandpa Tom held him almost the whole day!

"We can't believe we ate that whole thing"

Derek and Jessica bought our rent house at 605 W. Maryland on land contract today. We went together and got it recorded, tax exemptions filed, insurance in place, all the utilities scheduled to be turned on, and even got some groceries to stock the pantry. They move in next week. Derek and Jessica worked real hard to be able to purchase this house and we are VERY proud of them! Congratulations you guys!!

(Don't forget what I said about "ya 'all be nice to the neighbors.")

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog. I love the pictures Doug took. You 2 look great. I am excited to follow along as you begin this process. You are so inspiring. Brett and I hope to serve a mission someday so this will be fun to watch you.

    Your grandkids are so cute. I can tell you are proud grandparents.
